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The Shift is Here

We all feel it. There has been an energy shift. So, what's next?

There’s seems to be a proliferation of extreme things happening in clusters all over the planet and in our own lives, all the time. The Hopi may have best described it in their prophecy about the times we have entered, one of acceleration and of life out of balance. The science of physics confirms that we are losing time everyday as Earth is somehow spinning faster. Once you take these and all the other pointers that our world is fast becoming undone it becomes easier to see how us humans, disconnected as we are from our planet and nature itself, keep swimming against these forces in the vain hope that they are defeatable. And yet, we succumb to the invisible and unacknowledged stirrings within and recreate in our lives and all around us the turmoil of a planet in transition.

We have lost touch with ourselves and our place in the universe. We have forgotten that we all have an innate ability to heal. This is all truly ironic since we are permanently joined to each other and everything that surrounds us by the wondrous, intelligent energy of the Zero Point Field, that tingly tangly quantum web that also acts as an infinite library.

Clearly someone(s) somewhere(s) felt it was necessary – nay, urgent– that we had access to a way to reset ourselves and return to our true nature, to remember who we are. When the Reconnective Healing® frequencies first manifested through Dr. Eric Pearl little was understood of them, or the true implications of this: that the reconnection, our reconnection, to All That Is – the entirety of everything that exists -was about to begin.

As it has always being the way of the conscious universe, wanting to heal and wanting to reconnect are strictly aspects of our free will, and whereas being able to heal others was the domain of the select few, as we spin faster into a new reality Reconnective Healing and The Personal Reconnection make a healer and the healed out of each and everyone of us.

Between Then and Next

Re-imagining life without stress. The endless cycling between the past and the future – the then and next-  is typically an exhausting, even destructive trait

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Instinct or Intuition?

How we receive and process the infinite information from the Field affects all outcomes. I remember the first time I read in Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting

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Experience Reconnective Healing

Bring healing, wellness, optimum balance, clarity and transformation into your life

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